Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All New Plans

Most know by now that our plans have done a complete 180. Most who know us know that is normal for the Burcham train. :)

After much thought, prayer and discussion we have decided that Ken will hold off from going back to school. Instead we are planning on moving out west to Oregon where Ken's family is. This will be our first time living near Ken's parents. We are looking forward to that. We are also anticipating quite a tearing from my family and the friends we have here in the East. We are in the preliminary phases of this move and Ken is deciding on what kind of work he will do out there....there are different options. Also, what kind of property do we want and will we buy or rent? So many decisions. We are just about ready for this adventure. And it is always an adventure!!!

For now I am plugging along in gaining my degree and only have 2.5 classes and 237.5 counseling hours between me and my diploma. Amazing. The schedule is a bit intense and we will all breathe a deep sigh when it is over. Moving here and living in this home has been an important part in my being able to actually finish. Though it is small and with only one bathroom we could not have done this otherwise. We are enjoying having our walk and driveway plowed and shoveled by the school. We were able to sell Ken's commuter car because his commute is walking across a small lot.

The kids are in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe this March. Rebekah is Susan and Andrew and John are both Edmund. They may use Andrew as Peter on one of the nights he is not playing Edmund. That would be the night to come and see because they would all be the leads together and their good friends will also be leads that night playing Lucy and Mr. Beaver. Sam may be in the fight scene as an extra and Ken is both Father Christmas and Aslan. :) The boys are starting up baseball this spring (the playing field is literally in our backyard). Rebekah will be finishing up her choir with her last performance in April.