Saturday, September 27, 2008

Nice Try - Not!

Well we harvested our grapes and a friend and I tried to juice them with my champion juicer while our husbands were ripping our roof off. Well neither one of us had ever done this and the result was something that resembled grape pudding. We did not taste it. We decided we needed to stop and figure out a better way. I was really hoping for the process to be as easy as putting the grapes through my juicer but no. I was deflated. With the help of the internet and my friend taking the initiative we (she) were able to successfully juice the remaining grapes using a whole different method. Chalking this one up to a learning experience. Maybe next year I will even can it.

I have some pictures of the kids and Ken harvesting the grapes. I will try and post them in the future...but don't hold your breath. I need to contact Papa Joe about how to care for our vines so they produce again for us next year.

Bekah did make a yummy apple crisp with our apples. Go Bekah!