Sunday, January 18, 2009


It is said that it takes at least one year to feel settled when you move. We moved two summers ago to Pennsylvania and then again this past summer to Oregon. So just as we were feeling pretty settled in PA we moved, again. We have now been in Oregon for about 6 months. We really love it here. We are connected in the homeschool community and our Church. We are so enjoying being near Ken’s family. We love the slower pace of a small western town and “playing” cowboys. Still we are not completely settled. Yesterday we celebrated Sam’s birthday. We had two families over, one family and one friends. They lingered for a while and this helped us in our “settling.” Today, as I write this, we are watching the Eagles game. We are true green Philadelphia Eagles fans. I grew up as an Eagles fan. Today I miss home and my family. I asked Ken to pick up some Buffalo wings with the traditional celery sticks and blue cheese. I called two pizza places and neither sold what I was hoping for. Something that trite tempts me to cave in, it unsettles me. It does not help that their are no Eagles fans least that I know of. So I call my dad. He is the biggest Eagles fan I know and he is my dad. We talk about the game and Sam’s birthday. As we hang up to watch the pre-game show he reminds me to have everyone wearing green (the color of the Eagles). I hang up and make sure everyone is wearing green.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are some things that only family can understand. My Mom and her sister share things that no one else can understand- and they are in their 70s! At least now we have easy phones, email and facebook to keep us all connected so that East coast and West coast are really not that far apart.

Sorry about the Eagles. :-(